System Cleaner 2000: versions history ===================================== Versions with an increased number at the end of the version number are mainly bug fixes. Versions with additional functionality will have an increased number directly after the dot. For example, 1.1 has more functionality than 1.02, while 1.02 has no significant extra functionality over 1.01. You can always check out the System Cleaner 2000 Home Page for the latest version. ! bug fixed + improvement/modification ________________________ (Apr 17 2000) + Final Version Released! + New Help File (System Cleaner 2000.chm). You need to have HTML Help installed in order to use this format. If you run Windows 98/2000 or have MS Internet Explorer 4.x/5.x installed just press F1 while running System Cleaner 2000 to view it. ________________________ (Apr 05 2000) + NEW function in the right-click popup menu: "Remove from list without delete file". This allows the user to remove a file from the list without really delete the file from disk. + NEW: The Delete key can now be used to delete files instead of using the buttons "Clean Selected" and "Clean All". ! Fixed the problem with files still in use. No more the "This file is in use by...." error. + Option to define subfolders not to scanned. + The window can now be expanded to full screen. ! The uninstaller now correctly deletes the System Cleaner 2000 Control Panel Applet file. + To-Do List (to-do.txt). ________________________ (Apr 04 2000) ! Fixed the "Invalid filename" error. Due to the new code used to detect the Netscape Navigator 4x Cache Path a bug was introduced to everyone that did not had Navigator installed. This new build corrects the problem. ________________________ (Apr 04 2000) ! Fixed a problem with some specific files that would cause SC2000 to completely hag when performing a Temporary or Duplicate file search. ________________________ (Apr 03 2000) + Netscape Cache Directory. SC2000 is now able to find the Netscape 4x cache path for the current user. If you find any problem with this feature please contact us. + New "Scan" button. Instead of using the "Scan for..." button where a pop-up menu allows you to select the scan option (Temporary Files, Duplicate Files, Dead Shortcuts or Directories) you can now use the "Scan" button to immediately begin search on the current selected option. ! Tray Icon hint fixed. ! "illegal date" error fixed. + Some cosmetic changes. ________________________ (Mar 26 2000) ! Fixed a small problem with the Clean Dead Shortcuts option. ! Fixed a small problem on the Control Panel Applet Path. + Added the Tips System. ! Removed the Assistant. There wasn't any real use for it. ________________________ (Mar 20 2000) + New Feature: Dead Shortcuts Search. + New component: System Cleaner 2000 Control Panel Applet. ! Fixed a bug on Show Assistant on System Cleaner Startup. + Improved Search speed. ________________________ (Mar 16 2000) + Assistant. + File Tree. ! Schedule timer. ________________________ (Feb 10 2000) ! crashing on some machines. ________________________ (May 07 1999) -original version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's new in version 2.0 Final (March 24 1998): - Fixed a problem with files that could not be deleted (locked by another application). - Added a few more topics to the help file. What's new in version 2.0 RC3 (March 20 1998): - You can now print the list of found files by right-click on the list box and select "Print". - New Advice system, gives detailed information about which files you should delete. - Some cosmetic changes. - Added a new tab to the Options section. You can now select the sound to be played after the scan process. You can also enable the Schedule.exe program to be loaded when the main application closes. What's new in version 2.0 RC2.1 (March 04 1998): - Well, this is the "Real" RC2. I packed the wrong EXE file, and since I left the office for a 5 day business trip I only spotted the problem after got back. I'm very sorry about this. This "new" version should correct the ' ":" is not a valid integer value' bug. What's new in version 2.0 RC2 (Feb 25 1998): - Fixed the ' ":" is not a valid integer value' bug. - New options in the "Scan Directories" Tab. You can now add/remove directories to be scanned/cleaned. - Some cosmetic changes. What's new in version 2.0 RC1.1 (Feb 23 1998): - Fixed a bug that showed an error message at startup if the user had the time format with the value "H:MM". - New Error handler. It's now easier to copy any error that might occur in order to send to the author. - System Cleaner 2000 now saves the tab position before it exits. This means that for example, if the "Schedule Options" tab is the tab visible when you exit the program, it will be the "default" tab when you run the program again. What's new in version 2.0 RC1 (Feb 22 1998): - Completely redesigned interface. - Scan for Duplicate Files (NOTE: Only delete a duplicate file if you are sure it will not be needed by any application, or if the same file is on the windows system directory). - Ability to add or remove file types to the Temporary Files to be scanned. - Add/Remove/Edit The Items you have on your Uninstall Programs list. - Backup temporary/duplicate files to a ZIP file. - Added an "Advanced Tab" to the Temporary Files and Duplicate Files to allow a much more powerful search. You can select to scan for files between a certain date, with some or all file attributes, with a certain size and with the contents of a file matching a certain text. - Clean Directories. Allows you to clean directories that usually have Temporary Files or cache files (Windows Temp Directory, Documents Folder, MS Internet Explorer Cache Directory and Netscape Cache Directory). - FAT-Losses. This utility allows you to see exactly how much disk space is lost because of cluster size. - Improved the Scheduler. - Added a small applet called "System Cleaner 2000 Scheduler" that sits on the tray area and only loads the main application when it's time to run a scheduled task. That way System Cleaner 2000 doesn't take memory when it's not needed. What's new in version 1.2 (December 08 1997): - "Automatically clean all files when finish scanning" option added. - Unused File Type Descriptions topic added to the help file. What's new in version 1.11 (December 05 1997): - I had received some reports of people getting errors when try to open SystemCleaner.exe. I don't know what that might be (it works fine on all the machines and OS's here) but I decided to put more error checking routines so that we can trace the problem. If you receive this kind of messages please email me a.s.a.p. so that I can try to fix it. Please include the OS you use and the language of it. Any other details are also welcome. What's new in version 1.1 (December 05 1997): - Corrected some minor bugs. - Also correct a bug that prevented the user from scan the HD with a "No Drives Selected" message. - Now the user can select the files to delete by use the following key combinations: Click/Ctrl+Click/Shift+Click (before this it had those check boxes to select the files). - NEW: You can now specify your own file types to be scanned. Wildcards are also allowed. For Example, "*.$$$;*.xxx". Use the ";" char to separate different files. What's new in version 1.0 (November 22 1997): - First Public Release.